Take Charge of Your Health
Want to Feel Well? Walk in Nature.

Want to Feel Well? Walk in Nature.

To many people, taking a nature walk seems like a intuitive approach to coping with stress. However, there are many distractions in our modern world that simply override our mind and body's innate wisdom, and not all of us take the time to consider this approach or...

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Antibiotics in Meat: Why it Matters

Antibiotics in Meat: Why it Matters

Antibiotic resistance is a very well-known problem today. It occurs when antibiotics used to treat serious infections are rendered ineffective through collective overuse. However, many are unaware that 80% of antibiotics sold in the U.S. are not taken by humans but...

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Revolutionizing Transport for Health

Revolutionizing Transport for Health

A recent invention known as the Copenhagen Wheel may make it easier to bike to work. It converts a normal bicycle into an electric hybrid and enables commuters to bike places they would have otherwise had to take a car.  The cyclist can even control the level of...

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The Healthy City is an independent publisher based in Memphis, Tennessee